18. Ta te Ihu – Blessing Stone Exit

Kia kato rā te wai
O runga, o raro.
Kia rere rā te wai
o roto, o waho
Kei whakapunia
Te ia o te awa rere
O te tinana kei hē,
O te manawa kei ngākaurua,
O te ihomatua kei māwherangi
Kia puta tonu rā
Ēnei tāura, ēnei tauira
Ki te whai ao,
Ki te ao mārama.

Haumi, e.
Hui, e.
Tāiki, e!

Journey has addressed the physical and blessing to address the spiritual. A prayer of safe passage and protection when you leave Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa.

Sanction the waters of
Above and below to flow.
Let the waters from
Within and without run freely
Lest blockages occur
To burden the body,
To hinder the heart,
To disturb the mind.

To allow these students
To progress forth
Into the world of light.

Fasten the bond of the spiritual
And physical realms.
Forge ahead!

This karakia or blessing was composed by Dr. Anaha Hiini of Ngāti Tarāwhai, Ngāti Whakaue and Tūhourangi descent.

Anaha attributes much of his success to a passion for the revitalisation and the teaching of the Māori language and its protocols.